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Important Announcements

Jeff Davis Hospital has established a designated area for all outpatients to register. This has been established to expedite the outpatient process for our patients and to eliminate our Outpatients registering with the Emergency Room patients. The goal of this new process is to provide easier access for both our Outpatients and Emergency Room patients. New signage and staff will direct patient to the appropriate area. Hours for outpatient registration Monday-Friday 7am to 7pm. After hours out-patients will be registered at emergency room registration

Yesterday, the Georgia Senate passed SB 180, which, on March 28, by a Committee Substitute, the Georgia House had passed. Assuming Governor Nathan Deal signs SB 180 (or it otherwise becomes law), effective January 1, 2017, as it relates to the rural hospital organization expense tax credit, the legislation:
1. Increases from 70% to 90% the portion of each contribution to eligible rural hospitals that qualifies for a Georgia income tax credit, up to certain maximums;
2. Increases from $2,500 to $5,000 the maximum credit allowable to individual taxpayers for their contributions;
3. Increases from $5,000 to $10,000 the maximum credit available to married taxpayers for their contributions;
4. Adopts the same $60 million annual maximum cap on rural hospital organization tax credits for 2017, 2018, and 2019;
5. Requires rural hospitals to report to the Department of Community Health any payments made to a third party to solicit, administer, or manage the donations received by the hospitals;
6. Prohibits any third party from charging an administration fee in excess of 3% of contributions; and
7. For purposes of determining whether a hospital qualifies as a rural hospital organization, includes within the definition of a rural county, those counties having a population of less than 50,000.
The passage of SB 180 is great news for Georgia's rural hospitals and we congratulate all of those who were responsible for this legislative effort, which should have an immediate positive impact on the program. Yesterday, the Georgia Department of Revenue informed us that it will be providing guidance on how contributions to rural hospital organizations made earlier in 2017 will be treated under SB 180.

The consulting firm that is leading the state-wide effort to implement Georgia's new SB 258 rural hospital organization expense tax credit program has officially amended its Articles of Incorporation to include benefit corporation provisions. In addition to contractually agreeing to contribute its annual net income to a state-wide community foundation in support of rural health care, Portage Charity Advisors, Inc., which is assisting 35 of the 49 rural hospitals that have qualified to receive tax credit-eligible contributions, is now obligated to exclusively pursue public benefits, including the human right to health.
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JEFF DAVIS HOSPITAL received a Georgia Hospital Association Safety Award from the Georgia Hospital Association Workers' Compensation Self- Insurance Fund for 2015.

Beginning in 2017, you will have the opportunity to make a charitable contribution to our hospital and receive a Georgia income tax credit, and, if you itemize, a federal charitable income tax deduction. The Georgia General Assembly made this opportunity available through its passage of SB 258, the Georgia Rural Hospital Expense Tax Credit program.
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Health News

The views and opinions contained in these articles are those of the authors or subjects and are not necessarily shared by JDA or its staff.

(Clayton, Georgia (August 31, 2016) - HealtHIE Georgia)
A health information exchange, serving rural Georgia healthcare providers, is now connected with the Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN), state-designated Health Information Exchange (HIE) entity for Georgia.
Read The Entire Announcement

Georgia Senate Bill 258: The General Assembly's Attempt to Sustain Georgia's Tax-Exempt, Rural Hospitals with a State Income Tax Credit
(Read this article by R. Jeremy Wilson, CPA, CFP®)

(WSAV-TV Savannah © 08/11/2016)
WASHINGTON (AP) THE ISSUE: About 9 in 10 Americans now have health insurance, more than at any time in history. But progress is incomplete, and the future far from certain...

Welcome to Jeff Davis Hospital

Jeff Davis Hospital is dedicated to delivering professional, courteous, and compassionate care. We offer a friendly face when you need it most.

A 25-bed critical access hospital, JDH has an exceptional range of medical services and outstanding medical staff specializing in pediatrics, internal medicine, family practice, urgent care, emergency medicine, and surgery.

When you choose a place for your family's healthcare, we hope you choose Jeff Davis Hospital.

Jeff Davis Hospital
163 S. Tallahassee St.
P.O. Box 1690
Hazlehurst, GA 31539

(912) 375-7781

Jeff Davis Hospital has a smoke-free campus.

Services We Offer:

♥ Emergency Department
♥ 25-Bed Inpatient Unit
♥ Intensive Care Unit
♥ Swing Beds
♥ 24-hour Laboratory
♥ Respiratory Care
♥ Imaging Services
♥ Surgery
♥ Respite Care
♥ Hospice Care
♥ Telemedicine
♥ Sleep Studies
♥ Urgent Care Center
♥ Family Medical Group

Jeff Davis Hospital complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.